Entanashunal Fonetikl Elphabet

Entanashunal Fonetikl Elphabet (EFE; Inglish: IPA; French: API) esa elphabetik system o' fonetikl notayshun beis'd a' t' Leten elphabet. Et wos devais'd b' t' Entanashunal Fonetikl Assoshiayshun i' t' end o' 19th cenchurii.[1] T' EFE es yuus'd b' styuudents, akters, singaas, linguists andem.[2][3]

Werd "IPA" a' t' EFE system

Deya esa 163 o' em symbols a' EFE: 107 symbols-lettas, 52 symbols-diakritiks an 4 prosodiis (2005).

Referensiis edet

  1. International Phonetic Association (IPA), Handbook.
  2. MacMahon, Michael K. C. (1996). "Phonetic Notation". In P. T. Daniels and W. Bright (eds.). The World's Writing Systems. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 821–846. ISBN 0-19-507993-0. 
  3. Wall, Joan (1989). International Phonetic Alphabet for Singers: A Manual for English and Foreign Language Diction. Pst. ISBN 1-877761-50-8.